The 'Who' Factor: How to Optimize Your Pricing Page for Maximum Sales

The 'Who' Factor: How to Optimize Your Pricing Page for Maximum Sales

Want to sell more? Your pricing page is the key. Level up by looking at the “Who.”

Want to sell more?

Your pricing page is the key

level up by looking at the “who”

- Keep package names clear and on point, avoid cleverness. Make sure each package's name clearly points at either the job-to-be-done or the persona it's for.

- Make sure each package has a clear and short description highlighting who it's for. Bonus points if it includes the result a package is designed to achieve.

- Use testimonials from folks that look like your target audience, and make sure to include results, name, title and company. A quote from someone who looks just like your target persona is better than any logo stack.

Remember, a pricing page done right can mean the difference between a sale and a bounce. Have a look at yours… is it targeting the right 'who'?

Where else on your page could focusing on the “who” make a difference? Join the discussion on LinkedIn here.

The 'Who' Factor: How to Optimize Your Pricing Page for Maximum Sales

Visionary entrepreneur and SaaS pricing expert, guiding startups to thrive and make global impacts.